Showing posts with label python. Show all posts
Showing posts with label python. Show all posts

Sunday, August 30, 2009

op n python

op n python

geef opdracht aan pieter de python!
dat kost u slechts 2, hooguit 3 ton

(gekwelde assassin,
zet zelden zn mes in,
gevestigd te gennep,
bedwelmt zich met hennep)

`maar ja, concurrentie'
klaagt losjes verwoordend
ons pieter `in dít vak
is doodgewoon moordend

dus wie k t liefst nog ns slim wurg?
die addergebroeders van limburg!'

gebroeders van limburg, les belles heures
gebroeders van limburg, les belles heures

during the time of the crusades the members of a certain secret muslim sect engaged people to terrorise their christian enemies by performing murders as a religious duty. these acts were carried out under the influence of hashish, and so the killers became known as hashshashin, meaning eaters or smokers of hashish. hashshashin evolved into the word assassin. (bron: fun-with-words)

gennep: oud plaatsje in noord-limburg

python reticulatus, foto: mariluna
python reticulatus
(netpython, foto mariluna)